Rehab exercise and therapy specialist course
20,21,22,27,28,29 June 2025

professional certification
6 days
(before subsidies, inclusive of 9% GST)

4.2 CECs

Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to improve ability to assess injuries or injury risk, and learn methods to improve posture, physical performance and reduce pain.
Rehab Therapist / Trainer
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Sports Massage Therapist
Fitness Coach
Fitness Enthusiast
*Suitable for beginners with no prior experience in the rehab industry

What would you learn?
Understanding the importance of posture, joint mobility and methods of assessment
Demonstrate skill in application of the rehab framework provided to apply manual therapy and exercises in addressing common postural alignment and musculoskeletal issues
The ability to perform manual therapy techniques
Prescribe exercises in relation to assessment and treatment of a client
Understand the indications/contraindication in rehab
How to conduct a rehab session/program for a client

Tel: 9088 8677