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Bike Race



Some common issues:

Lower back pain

Shoulder impingement

Muscle imbalances leading to reduced or plateaued physical performance


Cycling is amazing sport where you challenge yourself in both long distances and speed. Many avid cyclists can clock up to 200km a week or even more. Over time they may encounter a drop in performance.


Some of the reasons for the drop in performance or physical aches/pains that is persistent is because of over training of a certain set of muscles in a seated position.


At Qinetic Wellness, we check for postural distortion related to commonly over trained muscles and weak corresponding muscles in order to develop a strategy to address the problems faced by cyclists.


One of the most common muscle imbalances leading to lower back pain would be the hip flexor being tight and over worked due cycling in a prolonged seated position. Which leads to the muscle being shortened and tight causing it to pull on back.

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